Monday, January 1, 2018

My Word

I haven't made resolutions, I'm doing my "one word" again this year and this year's word is a bit different. My life verse is Micah 6:8 ("And what does the Lord require of you? To do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God"). I've always viewed this as a command and earlier this fall, after an interesting discussion, I started to reflect on it more deeply. I realised that "walking humbly" could be both a command and a gift - walking "humbly" implies that I don't need to be trying to be great, I am allowed to be human and to make mistakes and to have failures and to not try so hard all of the time. My word, this year, is "humble" and I am going to work at being easier on myself and allowing myself some space to be weak and meek and to relieve myself of the weight of expectations of other people a bit. It won't always feel good but it's a lesson I need to learn if I am going to move forward. Does anyone else have a word?

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