Sunday, March 11, 2012

O is for O.S.

O was a tricky letter for me.  With some letters, I am truly inspired but with some others, it just won't seem to come to me.  We had a few ideas for O but not as many as I would have liked.  I did manage a few that I thought were pretty good, though.

The first was a no-brainer.  We were doing a visit up north and it gave us a chance to stop by the sign for Owen Sound.  I think people probably wondered why we were stopped at the side of the highway but it was a fun photo to take.

Then, we have Pk's friend, O.  They have been the best of friends since they met at about 6 months of age in Mother Goose at the library.  They ended up at daycare together, have done music classes together and now, are in school together.  They are a bit like siblings, really - they defend each other to the death and can be pretty chippy with one another.  O's mom has become a very dear friend, too, which is wonderful.


Of course, we couldn't do the letter O without oranges.  I think they have gotten used to the weird woman with the camera at the grocery store.  It's a good thing we live in a small town - they are pretty used to the local weirdos and just smile indulgently at us.

This one was a brainstorm that came to me out of nowhere.  Pk doesn't have any overalls these days but LB certainly has a bunch of pairs (I love little boys in overalls!) and, in fact, this pair used to be Pk's.  Cute, I'd say!


A big feature of our O week was oatmeal.  I found a great recipe for oatmeal and honey cookies that don't have any sugar and are made with whole wheat.  They are rather yummy and perfect for a morning recess snack.  They also don't require any rolling or using of a cookie cutter so they are perfect for little hands to assist me with.  As you can see, LB is now wanting to get in on the cookie action - it ends up being a very slow and messy process.  

I've also taken to sitting down with the yellow pages to get ideas for local events and activities.  Once Upon a Child is a super second-hand children's clothing store.  Pk and I are both addicted to nice dresses and they usually run us at least $40.  I love going to OUAC since I can usually get three or four and I don't mind Pk wearing them to school or daycare and risking getting them stained (which she is so good at!)

LB loves the Old Navy at our local mall.  They have these vertical, transparent coloured plastic strips that look almost like a curtain and he loves them.  A wonderful friend told me about the free shipping over $50 on O.N. orders and I must admit, I do most of the buying for the kids from these online now (their online sales are great for buying basics) but we do visit the store once in a while.

 Of course, our next letter is P and it felt much more inspired!

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