Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Keeping My Word...

So, yesterday I was driving home and got to hear all about the ridiculous event, "Boobquake" (for more information, this link is safe to read about it without getting an eyeful). I had a rant running in my mind - I was going to say that the best way to ignore stupid comments by obscure Muslim clerics is to ignore them, instead of getting them media attention, I was going to say that as a woman who feels very strongly about the rights of women to breastfeed in public without censure, it drives me crazy when women equate hanging out of this shirts for attention as being a feminist issue, I was going to rant about the fact that I would much rather it be legislated that all people should have to wear shirts (male breasts, especially on hairy chests, are a sight from which I would rather be spared) and I was going to rant about the fact that knowing that public nudity (or near nudity) makes many people uncomfortable for many different reasons, I see it just as a matter of respect for others that adequate covering in public places other than those in which one would expect less clothing (a nightclub, on a beach, a pride parade, in the privacy of one's own home...) is just common decency. The post was writing itself in my head and then I realised, I promised I was going to lighten things up again. So, I needed to come up with something else to say today.

Since I am getting into that stage of becoming just slightly frantic about the imminent arrival, I thought I might post about a few favourite baby items that I have come across. Everyone has the things with which they can't do without and I will post about a few of mine. Hope you like them.
A gift that I was given before we had Pk that we used each and every day was a towel called a Baby Wrapper. What is so special about a towel, you might ask? This one has ties around the neck and you tie it on and then, when you are nervously picking up a squirming, wriggling baby, you just hold the baby to your chest and flip up the bottom of the towel and you are both warm and cosy and you don't feel like you are going to drop the baby. I am not kidding, we have used this every day (we still use it because Pk calls it her "tuggle cuddle" which translates as a very early version of "towel cuddle" that we all still fondly use). The towel is huge, of good quality and from a Canadian company (but don't worry, they ship to the U.S. and in U.S funds). It's not a cheap item but given the use ours has gotten, it is worth every cent. I just found out that my cousin had a baby today (hooray - although, as an aside, the baby was 8 lbs, 15 oz, her sister's baby last year was almost the same size and Pk was 9 lbs, 1 oz - a distant relative made the comment via computer that we girls in the "G" family tend to grow big babies - not what I want to hear right now). This will for sure be the gift for the new arrival (and his parents).

If you are looking for a really useful baby gift that parents may not have, this is a great choice. If you go to their website, they offer shipping with giftcards and wrap. It's a great choice. To quote a famous someone, "It's a good thing."


  1. Hey, would you like a second one, especially if Pk I still attached to hers? I have a couple in my gift box...

  2. That is interesting! I always feel like I'm gonna lose my kid in a towel!
