Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Do you journal?  I do, off and on.  Usually, I write most when I am going through a really rough patch or when I am trying to get my life under control.  I think I need to burn my journals before I die since, reading them, you might get the idea that I am an angry, frustrated, overwhelmed, etc,.etc., etc... My mother kept journals when we were growing up, again, primarily to vent, and she says that she fears that she will die and we will find them and get a totally skewed picture of her life.  

For those of you who are Christians, do you keep a prayer journal or something along those lines?  I haven't in the past.  It is one of those things I intend to do but it just hasn't happened.  The need to do so has really been pressing on me lately.  I am doing this wonderful Beth Moore Bible study and I get up very early in the morning to do it.  I do my reading and praying and have these amazing insights and intentions for my day.   By the time I am on my way to work, I have forgotten all of it.  I am thinking that perhaps what I need to do is take just 5 minutes at the end of each session and record what I have learned or what made an impression on me.  I am hoping that will help to fix it more in my head.  

I would love to hear about any journaling that you do and get any suggestions.


  1. My blog is my journal - I vent there, but I also try to capture some fun moment or things I don't want to forget, to think things through, or just write things down that struck me for some reason or another.

  2. I have several journals and each serve a different purpose. I don't know that it's a good idea to have so many, but oh well.

    I have a personal journal and I write in it every couple has some personal thoughts, but is also a general record of life. Because we have moved around quite a bit, it's been fun to go back and read how I was feeling about each move...before hand, during and after.

    I have a journal for each girl. Sometimes I randomly write a note to them...often I record funny stories or milestones. I also write on their birthdays.

    I have a Bible journal...mostly it's just rewriting scripture that speaks to me. Since starting the Beth Moore studies, I haven't written in it much!

    I have a journal where I record what books I read. And I have a journal where I record quotes and lyrics that speak to me.

    And then there is the blog...but that's more of a daily record. I guess my Thankful blog is my thankful journal.

    See...I told you I have several!!!

  3. I love the idea of a journal for each child. I will have to start that! What a treasure to give each daughter when she grows up.
    I didn't know that you had a Thankful blog. What a wonderful thing to do.

  4. The Thankful Blog is relatively new. There is a link from my regular blog to it. When I "introduced" it to the blog world, I stated that it's mostly a my gratitude journal, but if other's wanted to read it, they were welcome to. It's been good and refreshing to be intentionally thankful for something each day.

  5. Girl, I have been journaling for years. I have a prayer journal, chore journal and a "Dear Jesus" journal. Each one I always start with scripture. The Dear Jesus journal is one where I praise Him alot, thank Him, worship Him and just pour out my heart. The Prayer journal is divided into categories, one for hubby and I, each child, and than friends. I pour out a lot there...I make my journal on the outside pretty with scrapbook paper, stickers and such. I plan on start to do that on the inside also. I have some pics on my blog where I share my journals (Label: House and Home/ Family)
